Re: Elettaria

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Posted by Elettaria on January 14, 2005 at 18:46:54:

In reply to: Elettaria posted by pen on January 14, 2005 at 12:52:26:

1) I'm disabled and it was awkward to henna, not to mention
uncomfortable (my hair was about 38" long then), and I just couldn't
keep doing it every month.
2) As a friend remarked of the colour, "It's lovely, but it's not
you." It was indeed lovely, but after a couple of years I decided
that I'm not really a redhead. So I just admire other people's hair
instead and henna friends. Occasionally I toy with going back to it,
but I think I'll stick with my natural hair colour, which is itself
very nice.

I noticed that my hair was in particularly wonderful condition when I
hennaed, and it grew a few more inches after having been the same
length for years. I haven't noticed a deterioration in quality on
growing it out, as it's been so gradual and my hair's in good nick
naturally. I never noticed a difference between the hennaed ends and
the unhennaed parts in anything other than colour, and after a while
it became pretty difficult to tell the difference in colour.

I'm afraid I rarely get photographed, and the few that I can dig out
from the last few years don't show you anything helpful. I've posted
one from I think a year or so after I gave up hennaing, when my hair
basically looks red. As you can see, it's still attracting a fan
club! I've noticed that a couple of locks falling in the centre don't
look as red, but that will just be the light.


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