Hair Loss. Please help.

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Posted by Michele on November 7, 2004 at 18:40:44:

I have been Hennaing my hair for many years on and off. Usually
Hennalucent or Rainbow Henna until I found out through this site that
those are not natural. Now I bought Yemen Henna from Cathy and plan
to continue with natural Henna faithfully. I am having trouble with
hair loss. It is concerning me and I hope someone can be of help.
Thank you in advance for any one who can advise me.

So much of my hair falls out, especially when I wash it. Actually
last night I collected the hair that fell out in the shower and it
was 200 + hairs. I heard that 50 - 100 is normal per day but that
was more. I stopped washing it every day a long time ago and now try
to go maybe every 2 - 3 days. Is that a good thing to wash it less?
What are the pros and cons wiht my hair loss? I never had the
thickest hair, more on the medium - thinner side but alot of it. Now
I have alot less maybe half of what I had. When I have my hair in a
pony tail it is about half the size it use to be. I have been to my
doctor and a dermatologist and after much blood work they both see
nothing wrong. Everything checks out ok. So we are all clueless.

I am hoping with my continued use of Henna it will stop falling out
and grow back and be fuller again. I plan to Henna at least every 3 -
4 weeks. I hope that is ok? My last Henna was about 3 weeks ago and
I plan to do it again this week. Has anyone had any problems with
hair loss? What did you do to help? Can you tell me if the Henna
will help and what other things I can do to get it to stop falling
out? I lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well, vitamins, exercise and so
on but will try just about anything to help. Right now my hair is a
little past my shoulders, it was all one length to my bra strap but I
figured I'd chop a bunch off and maybe that would help, it didn't.
Any advice would be appreciated on how to help hair loss.


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