Re: Curious about overnight in henna .....

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Posted by rhi on November 5, 2004 at 10:17:41:

In reply to: Curious about overnight in henna ..... posted by Kirsten on November 4, 2004 at 11:58:57:

I'm not sure if this is relevant, but i thought I would share this bit
of information anyway while we are talking about protective clothes
and sheets etc:

I have always been very careful to wear special "henna" clothes, and
put my special "henna" towel on my pillow if i sleep in it overnight.
however, I still don't hav a single stain on any of these things!
despite the mess it always seems to get in, if i wash them straight
away the henna comes right out. It seems to stain my hair pretty well,
so I am not sure why it comes out of clothes and towels so easily? I
only use a mild non-bio detergent & 40 degree wash.

I'm not recomending to trust to the wash cycle with anything precious,
I am just very bemused myself about his fact, surely since my hair is
a fiber just like cloth they should both stain to the same degree? I
have heard a lot of people talking about 'sacrificing' clothes etc,
which I was quite willing to do, just they haven't been sacrificed at
all yet! still as good as new! (lucky really since i do make a right
mess sometimes, even over slightly more precious things!)

: I wonder how many of you spend the night in Henna - does it really
: make a difference, and do you HONESTLY not ruin the sheets? It seems
: like even with saran wrap etc bits of hair pop out when I am awake,
: and I can just imagine the mess sleeping on it (LOL)....but it is
: tempting to go the LONG route....if you are an "overnighter" please
: share tips! Thanks


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