Re: Are you doing test strands?

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Posted by melrose on September 21, 2004 at 23:55:38:

In reply to: Are you doing test strands? posted by Elettaria on September 21, 2004 at 23:10:49:

Yes you are correct...the main issue is number 1. My hair is so
damaged that I cant really wash it normally because it is so prone to having hard to remove henna would not be helpful.

I am getting it cut this week thoug, so maybe with my hair shorter
and a lot of the damage gone it won't be as much of an issue. (I am
going from bra strap lenght to shoulder.)

I did do the strand test...but it really wasn't helpful as far as
judging removal. Just color (or lack thereof) I got no color on my
strand test either...

I really am not familiar with any of you have any idea why
the pctin might "cook" the henna?

I'm in a catch 22 I want to henna to strengthen my hair, but I don't
want to damage it in the process.

Thanks so much you are very helpful!


I read somewhere about the bathtub method and that is what I used
with the gel mix and it came out fairly well..

: Let's think this through. What are the possible risks to your hair?
: 1) Heavy, thick stuff that clings like the devil and takes so long
: wash out that half your hair comes with it.
: 2) Heavy stuff sitting on your head for hours making it more likely
: that the hair will be damaged.
: 3) Some sort of chemical reaction that will stress the hair, being
: worse if the henna is left on for longer.
: My guess would be that 1) would be your main problem, I doubt 2) and
: 3) would actually happen, but this is only the wildest of guesses.
: which case, ease of application is your priority, so it might be
: to the pectin.
: I've heard that one common mistake with pectin is to accidentally
: "cook" the henna, which kills it.
: Are you doing strand tests? Why not make up two small portions of
: henna, one with pectin and one without, and do a couple of strand
: tests (on bits of hair that won't be noticed) for three or four
: That should be enough time for the colour to take, and it gives
: the chance to compare how well the dye takes and how well it washes
: out for both pectin and traditional methods. How long is your hair
: the moment? Washing henna out of hair down to your hips is a right
: pain, but if it's relatively short then it might not be too big a
: deal. One trick which I wish I'd known while I was still hennaing
: to lie back in the bath and rinse out as much as you can that way,
: before using the shower. It's rather fun, it looks like you're in a
: swamp.


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