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Posted by kristine on September 3, 2004 at 22:27:48:

Last weekend I mixed a box of Mountain Light "Neutral Henna" that I
had sitting in the cupboard, some camomile tea and a jar of tumeric
powder from the grocery store and slathered it on my hair and left it
there for about three hours. The bottom three inches of my hair
(which had been chemically highlighted) turned a sort of brassy
yellow. The rest of my shoulder length hair, which was virgin dark
brown/with 20% silver has maybe a little bit of a yellow tint - I'm
not sure. My husband says it does, but I think he is just trying to
appease me! I generally wash my hair every 2-3 days, and for the
last two weeks, I have been mixing in black tea, camomile tea,
tumeric and a splash of vinegar with my shampoo and also with my
conditioner. My goal is to turn my silver hair into golden
highlights. So far I am not terribly pleased with the results, as
the bleached ends (which are more porous) are absorbing a great deal
of yellow from the tumeric and the rest of the hair is not absorbing
much. Also, because I didn't use gloves, my lovely long nails have
turned an ugly nicotine yellow color! Well, that's not the end of the
world, I can just clip them off or put some fingernail polish on them
(or do both), though for the most part I prefer to not use toxic
fingernail polish. I plan on ordering some Casssia Obvata and trying
to mix that with camomile tea, tumeric or some other natural herb to
see if I can get more of a golden blonde color on my 20% silver hair.
I probably will end up cutting off the bottom part which is absorbing
so much color. I am hoping to wind up with hair that is shiny, not
dull, though I also think the tumeric is perhaps putting a somewhat
matte rather than shiny finish to my hair. If I get any kind of
dramatic results with my experiments (either good or bad) I will post
a picture here. In the meantime, if anyone has had good results
getting silver hair to turn golden using natural (as in from the
kitchen cupboard) dyes, please post your experience and a picture
here. I would love to hear about your experience!


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