Re: Henna Colors and EOs

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Posted by Diane on July 11, 2004 at 16:41:33:

In reply to: Henna Colors and EOs posted by Andrasta on July 11, 2004 at 14:49:03:

: Hi,
: I'd like to henna my hair to achieve a shiny copper-bronze penny
: - can anyone recommend what to add to achieve this color? I was
: thinking of mixing the henna with an egg, olive oil, strong tea
: or iced tea and a pinch of paprika. I'd like a bit of intensity but
: not so much that it appears totally unnatural. Also what EOs do you
: prefer to use? I was thinking peppermint but I'd love some other
: Thanks
: Andi

Hi Andi,
I think whether you can achieve a copper-penny red colour will
probably depend a lot more on what you hair colour is to begin with
than on what you put in your mix. If your starting colour is light
enough then you'll probably be very happy with the bright copper
tones that a simple henna+ lemon juice mix can give.

In my experience, starting with a lighter hair tone (actually an
auburn redhead naturally with a lot of blonde and copper thrown in) I
have gotten really intense deep orangey (more irish setter dog) red
with a henna + red wine mixture. I prefer using red wine on its own
or with water to deepen the colour a bit as I found lemon juice on
its own gave VERY bright copper shades. So I think thats a good place
for you to start.

Again, depending on what colour you have to work with, paprika is
supposed to produce very fiery reds, so again you're probably on the
right track. I personally use cloves to darken, so have no experience
with paprika. The only other thing I would add is that I have seen a
lot of debate here on the boards about the need for EO terps in henna
for hair. It seems like most people agree its probably not going to
make too much difference for the stain. I also am wary of using the
amount of EO's needed to terp in a mix thats going on my head; but I
always do use a few drops of something I know my skin tolerates just
for the smell. Peppermint can be irritating to skin, so if you're
going to use more than a few drops maybe try something like lavender
or if just for smell, sandalwood, which is good for skin or hair (if
not necessarily as a terp.)

Just my 2 cents and hope it helps! I'm sure others will have lots of
ideas. Good luck with it.


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